Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Just Wanna Be A Princess...

So many beautiful clothes! So many beautiful people! Classy, earthy, indie type women who all look confident and beautiful, wandering around campus and downtown, and it just makes me want to hire a wardrobe consultant so that I, too, can be classy, earthy, and indie. My mother says I never used to be this vain. The truth is, I was, but I was confident that I was beautiful, so the vanity never showed up as insecurity until recently.

Then, sitting in downtown Dover, this wonderful lady strides out of a store, and honestly, all that I remember about her is that she had this fabulous, wild, curly brown hair that spewed out over her shoulders. She must have been middle-aged, at youngest late 30's, and she didn't see me... she was walking fast and smiling, and all of a sudden, still walking, she flung her arms out and threw her head back, and the wind was blowing her clothes and hair and she looked so damn happy that I started to smile, too. Then she saw me and looked a little sheepish, but smiled and waved, and as she walked away I told myself that "that is what I want to be like!" And then I realized that I had no idea what she was wearing. She could have been wearing a denim jumper or pants belted up at the waist or Crocs. The thing was - I didn't notice.

Paul wasn't fooling when he said that women should just let it lie about clothing. Of course we all want to be beautiful, but when we bump into real, stunning, confident beauty, we don't even notice the clothes that cover it.

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