Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Walk the Line

I hate balance! I hate happy mediums and grey areas and moderation.

If something is bad it should go. If something is good it should stay. Money and friendships and school and food and music and movies - can't we always just employ the Jesus admonition and cut off that darned right hand and throw it away?

Sometimes, sure, God tell us to completely throw away something bad. I love doing that. It's so clean and swift and yes it's often painful (yes, there was the fall that I didn't watch any movies because I was going to figure out entertainment and values - no fun at all) but the problem is that it's results oriented, perfection oriented, me oriented, and usually useless in creating a day to day walk with Jesus.

Balance insists on a day to day walk with Jesus. Because like Luther's drunk on a horse, we are always falling off one side or another. And the only way to get back up on the horse after tipping off is to ask for a hand up.

I really, really hate balance. It's so easy to step over the lines because you are walking next to the lines every day. I hate stepping over lines.

And so this post circles back to the same dead horse that I have been laboring over in my head and on this blog for the past two months - it's not about my perfection, it's not about my rules, it's about being with Him and growing in Him. I hate stepping over lines so much that I'd prefer not to step over lines than be with Jesus. That's silly.

But I still hate balance!

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