Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guttering and Baseboarding

Why do some days seem so long and others so short?

Today went by soooo slooooowly! We got a lot done, but it just seemed to really drag. T and I started to go all crazy at 3ish (highlight: T telling me "lean on her!" and then when I did... dropping me, and herself. Quote: "That wasn't leaning! That was your whole weight!")

There was another day, too, that was even worse. We all wanted to eat lunch at 10am, and by 2pm, it felt like we had been in Mrs. Sandra L's kitchen for at least a week. When you're so disconnected from time that the morning of the same day seems like it happened at least three days ago, it's a bad day.

But today wasn't really a bad day. We put up gutters around the whole house, just in time for it to start raining, and for us to get to see if they worked (they mostly did. More leaks than were anticipated.). We ate at DQ for lunch, which was a super exciting adventure (also hard to tone ourselves down for going out in public - we laugh a whole heck of a lot at work, and when we get around people, we have to remember to Get Normal for them). And then we put in baseboard everywhere. Kitchen, living room, hallways, bedroom - and I got to caulk a lot of things. I'm covered in white goo still. So we got a lot done, and felt productive, but - oh my, we were putting up gutters and putting down baseboard for a long, long, long time. A couple years, at least.

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