Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ode to Kentucky Mud: A Journal

We're building a new house! I'm super duper excited. This is what I wanted to do in Kentucky - learn to build houses. So here is how we lay a foundation in Kentucky.

Monday: We ripped up the old foundation with a backhoe, then dug out the new one. I got to use the little thingy that checks if you're level, and use my thumb to tell Steve, on the backhoe, whether the hole should go deeper or stay put. So we hacked out the footer and went home, tired and happy.

Thursday: We got to the footer and the sides had sort of collapsed. So we dug out the collapsed dirt, which wasn't much, and then put in the rebar - long round metal pipe-things that you put in a pair all around the inside of the footer. We also put in rebar stakes in every corner, and spent a lot of time hammering them down, pulling them up, and then doing it again, trying to get every single one exactly level with every other one. We got sort of muddy, but enjoyed ourselves. Next up - call the inspectors, get inspected, then pour the concrete!

Monday: The inspector couldn't come before Friday, and it rained over the whole weekend. The footer has a foot of water in one side, and the other side is filled with collapsed, fine Kentucky mud. This is less fun than the first time. It's heavy, caught up in the rebar we had planted so studiously. The mud is so deep and thick that it keeps pulling our boots off when we move. Spleltch, spleltch, spletlch. My neck hurts, T's back hurts, and Steve is still good humored (is he ever not good humored? A question) but has started complaining - good humoredly. Plus, the rebar is getting in the way, and the stakes are sinking deeper (all that careful measuring!) and it's just a mess. But it's DONE!

Tuesday: Inspector comes. He says that we need to "get the mud out of the footer." But we did that! We did it yesterday! Waaaah....

Wednesday: We dig more mud out of the footer. This is REALLY not fun. Also, I notice that the station that plays "Hits from the 60's, 70's, and 80's!" has never played a Simon and Garfunkle song! What's with that? Bigots! Small-minded Stones fans! Lennon-lovers!

Thursday:I wash my pair of jeans from yesterday twice, and they still crackle when I bend them. It looks like Kentucky mud is in this relationship for the long haul. (No comment on my boots. I think I'll have to toss them. Now accepting: Boot donations!)

Friday: Cement arrives. Cement truck gets stuck in the mud on the side of the hill. How many wheelbarrow loads does it take to fill half a house foundation? Seven hours worth.

Tuesday: Show up to level out the dirt around the outside of the footer, and guess what? The sides had collapsed into the cement foundation! Shocking! Guess what we did? Shoveled Kentucky mud out of the footer.


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