Friday, October 10, 2008


Funny thing. Every year or so I got this verse stuck in my head: "...and he shall give you the desire of your heart." I always forget the beginning. I always try and guess and remember what the claus is - what exactly do I have to do to get these desires?!? - but in the end have to look it up. The wierdest part is, I look it up, am puzzled, can't believe that that's really the verse, am confused, and then forget about it. And a few years later my mind starts saying "... and he shall give you the desire of your heart" again, and I remember that it's weird and whacky and that I forgot last time... but I still have to look it up, because whaddayaknow, I've forgotten again.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and.


Are you sure, Lord? Not sacrifice? Not serve? Not be good? Not accept Christ? Not pray every day? Not destroy sin? Not obey the Bible?


Are you kidding?

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