Saturday, November 15, 2008

But Jesus, I LIKE Arbor Mist...

Jesus, I don't understand.

You call me away from small and weak and silly things to love big and beautiful things.

But I don't have a taste for your things yet.

I like Oreos and Arbor Mist and McDonald's.

You're offering me gourmet - European chocolate, $100 dollar wine, caviar - but Jesus -

I don't really like it that much.

I know it's better.

It just tastes nasty.

So how am I supposed to survive in the interim?

You are calling me away from my cheap substitutes.

But I don't like the real things yet.

So here, now, will nothing satisfy?

Will nothing make me happy?

Will I just have to wait here, McDonald's forbidden but caviar repugnant?

I know that eventually, your food will satisfy me much deeper than anything I've ever eaten.

But if I can’t eat what delights me now, and what I ought to eat doesn’t delight me yet, then there's nothing left to delight in - and how can I do this without delight?

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