Friday, November 7, 2008

"You Don't Have to Do It Justice... You Just Have to Do It!"

If I start writing now
When I'm not really rested
It could upset my thinking
Which is no good at all.
I'll get a fresh start tomorrow
And it's not due till Wednesday
So I'll have all of Tuesday
Unless something should happen.
Why does this always happen,
I should be outside playing
Getting fresh air and sunshine,
I work best under pressure,
And there'll be lots of pressure
If I wait till tomorrow
I should start writing now.
But I if I start writing now
When I'm not really rested
It could upset my thinking
Which is
No good at all.
- You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown

Here I sit. Seven pages due on Monday. So far? A paragraph.

I should just start... I can't start until I know exactly what I'm going to write. I don't know exactly what I'm going to write. I'll never know exactly what I want to write. I should just start... Oh look, Facebook!... I'm thirsty. If I don't fill up my water bottle than I'll just be distracted until I do. OK, compromise. Fill the bottle... I have to go to the bathroom.... Just one page! Just the first page! OK, OK, OK, thesis - check. Points, check. This is a really bad thesis. I should fix it... Oh, look, Facebook!... This room is really hot. Maybe I should go the library. I always focus better at the library.... Is my cell phone turned off? Should it be turned on? What if X/Y/Z calls?... PANIC! PANIC! PANIC! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WRITE THE PAPER WRITE WRITE WRITE!!!... Oh, look, Facebook!... I'm such a procrastinator. I wonder if there are any ways to combat procrastination. Google: procrastination. Hmmm. Good info here... If you don't write it now, you'll just have more to do tomorrow. If you work on it now, you'll be done by Sunday. If you put it off it'll just be harder. Therefore... Oh look, Facebook!...

It's going to be a long weekend.

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