Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Call Foul

I'm overtired. I have a headache. I have homework. My alarm is set for 6:30AM.

And I have to write a blog post?!?

Well, I made it for a whole week. That's got to count for something.

All right, the clock is set for five minutes: here is what I am thinking about for the next five minutes.

Isn't modern culture funny? We drive up, tell someone what we want to eat, they make it, and one minute and thirty-four seconds later, we drive away with food. Strange.

Isn't modern music funny? Every single song on the radio is about love or relationships. But not every movie is about that. So why is the music industry dominated by romance but not all the other art industries? And is that really all that we think about, love? No wonder we need so many depression meds.

Isn't modern fashion funny? Fashion used to come and go within 30-40 year periods - or better still, ancient fashion, which went in 100 year periods. (Think Greek art...) Now, something is in style for one season. The boots you wear this fall cannot be worn next fall. And the color you buy this November cannot be worn in June. So quickly time moves!

Isn't Christmas funny? I went to Wal-Mart today and they were playing Christmas carols. Wow.

Aren't friendships funny? You can't love someone too much or they replace God. You can't love someone too little or they don't matter. You can't love someone for yourself or you become manipulative in order to get what you want. You can't love someone for who you want them to be or you like them less and less as they continue to fall short of your imaginary vision of them. Finding the line is hard enough. Then you have to walk it.

Isn't sleep funny? No one knows why we need it. Science can't explain it. Technically, our bodies shouldn't need it. But we do. And without it, we can't memorize, focus, or have any emotional stability.

Good night.

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